Greenville Automotive Plant Injury Lawyer

The automotive industry is a vital contributor to South Carolina’s economy and employs thousands of workers in Greenville. However, work requirements in automotive plants frequently cause workplace injuries. From dangerous equipment to heavy lifting, automotive plant work is dangerous. When workers suffer injuries, workers’ compensation can help them pay medical bills and provide a portion of their income until they recover.

If you sustained an injury or contracted a work-related illness while working in an automotive plant, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. A Greenville automotive plant injury lawyer could help you apply for workers’ compensation benefits, gather evidence to support your case, and negotiate with your employer’s insurance provider to ensure you get the benefits that will support your recovery.

Common Auto Industry Workplace Accidents

Positions in automotive plants often expose workers to dangerous tools and equipment, repetitive movement, and heavy lifting requirements. These job requirements put employees at a higher risk of sustaining injuries while performing job duties. Often, injuries sustained in automotive and tire plants require extensive medical care and treatments and can necessitate prolonged recovery.

Some of the most common injuries suffered by auto industry workers include:

  • Repetitive stress injuries (like carpel tunnel and joint injuries)
  • Lifting injuries (back injuries, herniated discs)
  • Machine entanglement injuries (including broken bones, amputated limbs, crush injuries)
  • Fall injuries
  • Severe burns

Even with stringent workplace safety gear and protocols in place, various injuries occur in automotive plants.

Who Is Eligible for Workers’ Compensation?

Most auto plant workers in Greenville are eligible for workers’ compensation after being injured while performing work duties. Benefits may include payment for medical bills, a portion of lost wages, and vocational rehabilitation in cases of permanent disability.

South Carolina employers with more than four employees and a yearly payroll of more than $3,000 are required to provide workers’ compensation coverage. Any employee who is injured while performing required work duties is typically eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. This includes repetitive stress injuries that worsen over time. However, employees are not eligible for compensation if:

  • Their injuries are self-inflicted
  • Caused by misconduct (like fighting or horseplay)
  • Sustained while they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol

To receive benefits, employees must:

  • Report the accident to their employer
  • Get medical attention from an approved physician
  • Fill out and submit an application

Unfortunately, not all claims are approved. A claim may be denied if the injury is not reported promptly or the worker does not provide sufficient proof that the injury was related to employment obligations. Since disputes with insurance companies are common, employees in Greenville often seek help from an auto plant injury attorney to apply for workers’ comp benefits.

Contact an Attorney to Learn More About Getting the Benefits You Deserve Following an Automotive Plant Injury in Greenville

Workers’ compensation is designed to provide employees with the benefits they are entitled to following an injury in the workplace. If you were injured in an automotive plant while performing your required duties, workers comp benefits can help you pay your medical bills and a portion of your income while you are unable to work.

A Greenville automotive plant injury lawyer could help you navigate the complex legal process of applying for benefits and submitting adequate documentation of your injuries. At the Eller Frye Law Firm, our attorneys have the experience and resources to help workers navigate the complex laws surrounding workers’ compensation to get the compensation they are entitled to.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.